Position : Company List ››Peru

tostaduria cafe chanchamayo EIRL

Company Description

We are an agribusiness and marketing of coffee; we started our operations with the coffee roaster collecting and tasting coffees in the Junin region specifically throughout the central jungle of Peru which is located between the geographical coordinates Lat: (09 30 00S; 12 00 00S) and Long: (73 30 00W ; 75 30 00W), between 300 and 3400 meters above sea level and our growing areas coffee are between 900-1800 meters above sea level, our first step was to select the best coffee farmers according to the qualities of the grain and the certifications that count and the automation that used in the cultivation and collection to associate and to market their green coffee beans.
Sell Arabica coffee and Peru in the Junin region have the best topographic conditions that give the basic and inherent character of our Peruvian coffee.
Our image is the guarantee of export quality coffee and so motivated to keep farmers offering quality of life and recognizing their coffee, the association and their members has an international presence, as they are the engine to influence variable factors to the final quality of green coffee.

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