The Targetizer Ltd
Company Description
The Targetizer Ltd was officially set up as a trading company in 2007 however the legacy of the world's first dynamic target goal, The Targetizer, was conceptualised in 1995.
The business has developed a fun, bright and visual dynamic target goal manufactured in the UK.
We currently sell to schools, government organisations, retail and trade whilst also supply to end users via our website.
We can supply our target goal with your logo which can be useful for promoting your brand to the growing childrens football sector.
We can supply up to 5000 units per month. We can also supply one-offs. For trade buyers we have a special price list available on request.
For one-off purchases please purchase through our main website at
About The Business
The Targetizer Ltd is a wholly owned family business with traditional business values of honesty, transparency and integrity at the core of how we work and who we work with.
The Targetizer Ltd is a child-centric business and everything we develop is for the betterment of improving the sporting ability of children all over the world.
We look forward to meeting you and hope we are able to help you in your quest for providing innovative sporting merchandise that's fit for purpose and exponentially helps the development of you and your clientelle whilst also helping your business objectives too.
Please call or email to disguss your requirements. We will be happy to go through your needs and do our best to help you succeed.
Contact info
- Contact Person: Mr. Imtiaz Jamil
- Department: Sales
- Job Title: Sales Director
- Telephone:

- Fax Number:

- Zip/Post Code: WA4 1JW
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