Established in 2006, Hangzhou Yahong Medical Co.,Ltd has since carried out a strong set of core values - effective and down-to-earth, dedicated and sincere, quality innovation, and creativity in management. While growing and developing the company, we have fully adapted to market changes at various stages, through closely adhering to the demands of market participants. Our company professionally researches, develops, produces and sells orthodontic products across the country and globally, through cohesive understanding and cooperation between, among others, our R&D, Manufacturing, Power, Quality Control, Security and HR Departments. We enjoy well-developed research and development techniques and production skills and excel in our metallurgical processes, which is why our product quality is China’s best. We fully believe that innovation and quality are deeply essential to the existence and development of an enterprise. This leads us to continually improve the quality of our products through consistently strengthening our communication and cooperation efforts with various domestic and foreign research institutions, with an aim towards launching a diversity of high-class products with verified, multifunctional specifications.