Position : Company List ››United Arab Emirates ›› Business Services ›› License Services

Darriya Express Businessmen Services

Company Description

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an easy and transparent image about xxxxx and Dubai, to prove to our clients that how easy and comfort is living and working in xxxxx.To achieve our goal we have employed well trained cadres relaying mostly on local emiraties to secure offering best service to our clients.We have focused our services in Dubai, why?â¢Dubai ranks as one of the world's leading trading centers.â¢It offers the gateway to a market of more than one billion people, covering the Gulf States, Middle East, CIS, East Africa and Indian sub-continent.â¢A rapidly developing manufacturing sector producing a wide range of high quality, competitive export products.â¢Port and airport facilities unrivalled in the region in terms of size, flexibility and Strong shipping and transportation sector.â¢State-of-the-art telecommunications.â¢International businesses interested in developing their trade with Dubai.â¢International exhibitions and conference venues.â¢High quality facilities (offices, residential accommodations, hotels, hospitals, schools, shopsâ¦.etc.)Our services:We have come across numerous people from various backgrounds, which have experienced difficulties entering the xxxxx. certainly they would wish for reliable and professional people to assist them in arranging their visas to the xxxxx. and for reservations in hotels, return airlines tickets etc. businessmen are 'short' of time to take care of such matters, they wish for pre-booked arrangements for their trips , so we have dedicated our selves and capacities to assist them making their business successful and relax their mind. We are also involved in the organization of business events , seminars and conferences.We also provide attractive advertisements in our web-site through well-designed WebPages.We have two service sections:1.Businessmen services.2.Document typing, clearance, following up.Our businessmen services include:1.Hotel booking arrangement and airport pickup.2.Private luxury cars transportation/ with driver/without driver.3.provision of means of communication(Mobile,fax,Internet)4.Provision of Entry permits (all types).5.Organization of business, informative tours within xxxxx.6.Organization of business events.7.Doing all secretarial works for businessmen.8.Provision of instant interpreters.9.Provision of guides (attendants) with good knowledge of xxxxx.10.Assisting in booking flights and travels within all airlines.11.Service of express mails, messengers.12.Provision of preliminary feasibility studies for small and medium businesses.Document typing, clearance, following up:1.Business setup for all kind of companies and establishments.2.Managing HR departments on behalf of companies.3.Arranging of representative offices/regional offices for multinational companies.4.Registering Trade Marks of companies and establishments.5.Amendment of Licenses.6.Arranging of local reliable sponsors.7.Arranging of getting bank guaranties for some licenses.8.Emirates labor office transactions.9.Economic development department's transactions.10.Interior Ministry â NRD. Transactions.11.Chamber of Commerce and industries of Dubai.12.Dubai Municipality.13.Dubai Police H.Quarter.14.Road & Transport Authority.15.Dubai Courts.Service listFees1.Hotel booking arrangement and airport pickup.Free of Cost.2.Private luxury cars transportation/ with driver/without driver.50 dhs/hr with driver- 150 dhs/Daily.3.provision of means of communication(Mobile,fax,Internet)Free of Cost.4.Provision of Entry permits (all types).As per visa type./visit 1200Dhs.,Transit 500Dhs.(conditions applied.5.Organization of business, informative tours within xxxxx.80 dhs. /hour.6.Organization of business events.Varies.7.Doing all secretarial works for businessmen.100DHs./daily 500dhs./weekly.8.Provision of instant interpreters.300 dhs./daily.9.Provision of guides (attendants) with good knowledge of xxxxx.300 dhs./daily.10.Assisting in booking flights and travels within all airlines.Free of Cost.11.Service of express mails, messengers.50dhs./Dubai 70Dhs/Ajman&shj. 150dhs./Abudhabi.12.Provision of preliminary feasibility studies for small and medium businesses.Varies.

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