Position : Company List ››El Salvador ›› Rubber & Plastics ›› Rubber Products


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Our main product and service offerings are:Electronic Component Procurement & Distribution including semiconductors, integrated circuits (ICs), discrete components, actives, passives, transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, LEDs, connectors, interconnect parts, wire and cable, crimpers, tools, and moreRaw Materials Procurement & Distribution including aircraft-quality steel alloy tubing, aluminum, stainless, titanium, alloys, magnesium, nickel, plastics, available in bar, sheet, plate, rod, wire, extrusions, rings and forgings to your specificationsElectronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) including product design, engineering, prototyping, contract manufacturing, printed circuit board (PCB) design, PCB assembly, computer controlled LED lighting systems, cable and wire harness assembly, plastics and molds, custom and build-to-print jobsElectronic Component Inspection & Testing We will test parts for you in China to eliminate counterfeits and bad parts before you ship them overseas1-Source also provides a full suite of products and services to the electronics manufacturing industry. We are a franchised distributor of electronic components, as well as a sourcing and procurement agent for hard-to-find, obsolete, and OEM excess parts. Our products include electronic and electric components and parts, semiconductors, integrated circuits (ICs), transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, LEDs, fuses, relays, switches, connectors. We carry all grades, including mil-spec, industrial grade, and commercial grade parts.Utilizing the latest technology, we have the ability to locate hard-to-find and obsolete components from over 4, 000 sources around the world, and a website that ties it all together so you can easily access over $1 billion in inventory from a central point. Our staff is knowledgeable and ready to assist you in finding the products you need in the shortest possible time. See our line card or use our rapid quote request for more information.We also provide raw materials, such as aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, alloys, magnesium, nickel, plastics, available in bar, sheet, plate, rod, wire, extrusions, rings and forgings to most specifications.The services we provide cover any stage of the manufacturing process for your products. We will even take it from idea to high-quality finished product, including engineering, product design, prototyping, manufacturing, and testing. Some of the products we design and manufacture are circuit boards, computer controlled LED lighting systems, cable and wire assemblies, electromechanical and industrial controls, and circuit protection. We also offer comprehensive consulting services. Call us about any project you are considering.1-Source Electronic Components is one part of The 1-Source Group, a leading electronic manufacturing service consortium, accelerating the global electronics manufacturing supply chain with the highest level of products and services. It connects the technological solutions of more than 4, 000 suppliers to the product development and production needs of more than 100, 000 customers. With full access to several hundred distribution centers in 40 countries and territories, 1-Source provides material management, engineering, manufacturing, design and logistics support to customers across the full range of their design, development, and manufacturing activities. We provide the products and services that bring new technological solutions to market faster and more efficiently.

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